Saturday, November 6, 2010

OT ~ Entrecard Drops and Ads

Sorry to get off topic from dogs ... but I should post something about Entrecard here since it brings me a fair amount of traffic. If nothing else, it has increased my readership as well as increased the amount of Followers to my blog by spreading the word about it.

Here are this month's Entrecard Top Droppers from my Blog. Thank you to you all:


The Ad Master

Slightly Sarcastic

Symbian Freeware

Art Shout!

Urban Art Blog

Urban Art by Paul Baines

T-Shirt Reviews

Mbah Casino 
Also, thank you for this week's advertisers ... they are:


Lainy's Musings

The Ad Master


Some Assembly Required

Internation Musings

I'm Walking On Sunshine

Ancient Digger


1 comment:

bichonpawz said...

I am glad that you have had success with Entrecard drops. I tried it for a little while and it didn't seem to make that much difference and I felt like I got more spam. Hope it continues to work for you!!