Dogs Deserve Freedom
I truly believe that all Dogs Deserve Freedom. That means that every dog has the right to be free and in order to make this happen, all dog owners have the responsibility to properly prepare, train and educate their dogs to give them that freedom.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Pawprints and Booties
Well, I created the first post on my new blog. I've called it "Pawprints and Booties". It will become more of a fun blog. Hope everyone likes it!! :)
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Getting back in the swing
Sometimes it is easier to start new projects than it is to get back into the swing of things. That's how I feel about blogging. I have tried to get back into blogging here several times over the last year and just can't seem to get into the blog-ger-oove.
I think part of this is caused by a shift in priorities but also by the increase of responsibilities I have taken on. The new baby is certainly a shift in priorities and also a shift in perspective. I have taken on the role as Dog Coordinator at the local humane society and that takes much of my free thinking time (it is a volunteer gig - this is the only shelter in Ontario that is completely run by volunteers.
Pursuant to this, I have been thinking out how I am going to continue blogging and finally, I have an answer!
First, I will continue to post the low cost spay / neuter clinics on this blog and also on drowning in cats.
Second, I will create a new blog from the perspective of my dog, Kosha, and her newest family member. This will be where I put all the baby and dog crap that fills my days.
Third, I may consider writing a blog from the perspective of a cynical Dog Coordinator. We will see about this one as there may be privacy
I think part of this is caused by a shift in priorities but also by the increase of responsibilities I have taken on. The new baby is certainly a shift in priorities and also a shift in perspective. I have taken on the role as Dog Coordinator at the local humane society and that takes much of my free thinking time (it is a volunteer gig - this is the only shelter in Ontario that is completely run by volunteers.
Pursuant to this, I have been thinking out how I am going to continue blogging and finally, I have an answer!
First, I will continue to post the low cost spay / neuter clinics on this blog and also on drowning in cats.
Second, I will create a new blog from the perspective of my dog, Kosha, and her newest family member. This will be where I put all the baby and dog crap that fills my days.
Third, I may consider writing a blog from the perspective of a cynical Dog Coordinator. We will see about this one as there may be privacy
Friday, August 19, 2011
Pupdates ~ Anna and pups
I don't think I've posted recent pictures of the puppies lately, so I thought it'd be about time!! They are now 6 weeks old and are FULL OF ENERGY! Holy jumpin! I thought the last litter was busy! With the last ones, I had to be careful when I had people come to view them because nap time was more often than play time. It is the opposite with this latest litter. They are BUSY BUSY little bees. Even when they are napping, they are quite happy to get up and play more (unlike the last litter ... when it was naptime, a bomb could go off and they wouldn't budge). There's ONE picture I have of them sleeping ... it's a rarity to catch them like this but it was after they had been outside for the first time (they've been out several times now so it's not so exciting or tiring anymore).
We are currently accepting calls about them and compiling a waiting list. They won't be ready to go to their new homes for another 2 weeks but it works best if people come and pick their puppies early so we know they have homes!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Low Cost Spay / Neuter Clinics ~ Montana
I am posting a list of Low Cost Spay / Neuter Clinics that I have run across in my internet travels. I've never tried these clinics out but if you have, PLEASE post your experience about them!! For a complete list of the states/provinces, see the contents page here.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Happy Tails ~ Teddy and some others
Thought I'd pass on some really nice news today so rather than giving you a Pupdate of the dogs that are at the shelter, I'm going to let you know some of the ones who have been adopted recently! A bit of good news in a sea of disappointment. It's nice to be able to share some "Happy Tails".
Teddy is the most recent guy adopted. Here is his advertisement: Teddy is a ten-year-old neutered Belgian Shepherd cross with all the loyalty and intelligence the breed possesses. He waited patiently at the pound and now at the shelter for the owner he believed would come. Day by day, his hope dwindled as he looked at each car pulling into the parking lot. He has lovely manners and would like a home for the rest of his days. In return, he will give you his whole heart. Everyone at the shelter was so excited when he was adopted! (Maybe a little sad to say goodbye though) Every time we walked him, he would pull and pull to go see the cars in the parking lot to see if one of them was his. It was very sad and broke a great many hearts at the shelter. Sometimes when we get the real old guys in, the dog walkers all worry that they will be around forever ... scary thing is that sometimes they are faster to be adopted than the middle aged ones!!

Of the dogs from our pull day, Riley, Charlie, and Pip have all been adopted. Jenny has a waiting list 4 families deep and we are waiting to determine who will take her. Heidi still has no takers but she is in today for her spay surgery.
Penny was one of our long term stays. She was eventually adopted by one of our volunteers.
Amy is a real sweet heart. So happy to see people that she just can't stop wiggling!! This was one we never even had to advertise because she was adopted via word of mouth.
Ruby is also a dog we didn't advertise. Another word of mouth adoption. Busy busy gal! So much energy ... and she wasn't a deep "thinker" so things such as a Kong Wobbler (which we give to some of the busier guys) wasn't of interest for her at all!! She needed to burn off energy the old fashion way ... walking, running and swimming!! Luckily, she enjoyed a good game of fetch so that helped our volunteers.
We currently have Tucker, Gracie, Am.Eskimo (no name yet), Heidi, Melody and Jenny at the shelter.
I will be going to AC again this week or next for another pull day.
I have also offered to take a dog I received via email ... one of those "if we don't find a home it will be euthanized" jobbies, but I don't know if we'll end up with him as the person who has him doesn't want him to go to a shelter (even though we are no kill and have a super duper kennel enrichment program ... If she feels that it is better to kill the dog then that's none of my business, right? I did offer to take him. That's all I can do. Some people really have to get their heads out their asses and take a good look at reality.)
Teddy is the most recent guy adopted. Here is his advertisement: Teddy is a ten-year-old neutered Belgian Shepherd cross with all the loyalty and intelligence the breed possesses. He waited patiently at the pound and now at the shelter for the owner he believed would come. Day by day, his hope dwindled as he looked at each car pulling into the parking lot. He has lovely manners and would like a home for the rest of his days. In return, he will give you his whole heart. Everyone at the shelter was so excited when he was adopted! (Maybe a little sad to say goodbye though) Every time we walked him, he would pull and pull to go see the cars in the parking lot to see if one of them was his. It was very sad and broke a great many hearts at the shelter. Sometimes when we get the real old guys in, the dog walkers all worry that they will be around forever ... scary thing is that sometimes they are faster to be adopted than the middle aged ones!!

Of the dogs from our pull day, Riley, Charlie, and Pip have all been adopted. Jenny has a waiting list 4 families deep and we are waiting to determine who will take her. Heidi still has no takers but she is in today for her spay surgery.
Penny was one of our long term stays. She was eventually adopted by one of our volunteers.
Amy is a real sweet heart. So happy to see people that she just can't stop wiggling!! This was one we never even had to advertise because she was adopted via word of mouth.
Ruby is also a dog we didn't advertise. Another word of mouth adoption. Busy busy gal! So much energy ... and she wasn't a deep "thinker" so things such as a Kong Wobbler (which we give to some of the busier guys) wasn't of interest for her at all!! She needed to burn off energy the old fashion way ... walking, running and swimming!! Luckily, she enjoyed a good game of fetch so that helped our volunteers.
We currently have Tucker, Gracie, Am.Eskimo (no name yet), Heidi, Melody and Jenny at the shelter.
I will be going to AC again this week or next for another pull day.
I have also offered to take a dog I received via email ... one of those "if we don't find a home it will be euthanized" jobbies, but I don't know if we'll end up with him as the person who has him doesn't want him to go to a shelter (even though we are no kill and have a super duper kennel enrichment program ... If she feels that it is better to kill the dog then that's none of my business, right? I did offer to take him. That's all I can do. Some people really have to get their heads out their asses and take a good look at reality.)
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
CL Post ~ Steps to the Shelter
I can't believe I've never posted this one before! This is one of my favourites ...
Step 1: Look at all those CUTE PUPPIES on Craig's List!! I can't resist, I really want a puppy!!
Step 2: I'm sure the landlord won't care (I'll explain it to him). Plus all my friends want me to get a CUTE PUPPY!! :^) :^) :^)
Step 3: Lots of breeders on Craig's List... Here's one! Look how CUTE!!! It's not expensive and I can take it home today! How exciting!!
Step 4: So cute! He has the cutest markings! I love him! My friends all love him. Wish I didn't have to clean up all the poop and pee when I get home but it's OK, he's so snuggly and happy to see me.
Step 5: Where did all this energy come from? He's so cute but he wears me out sometimes, LOL!!!! But I still love him.
Step 6: He's been making this really high-pitched YIP YIP YIP YIP out in the yard while I'm at work and some nosy old busybody is complaining. Why won't he shut up?
Step 7: Oh no, I left him in the house so he wouldn't bark and he ripped the curtains and chewed up my best shoes. What's wrong with him? I'd ask the vet but have been postponing his shots and getting him fixed -- kinda broke right now...
Step 8: Bad week. The landlord called to say dogs weren't allowed and wants me to replace the drapes and the screen door and pay a higher deposit. I can't afford that -- my temp job ended last month. What bad luck!!
Step 9: Why won't my friends take my dog for a few months? Thanks a lot. I'll have to look for another place now. Will lose my original deposit too, really sucks. I don't want to give up my puppy but maybe he deserves a better home with someone with more time.
Step 10: Someone said that breeders take back their dogs so I contacted the breeder from Craig's List but they said no. I said they could have him for free but they won't take him. How mean. And the landlord's being a real jerk now. I don't have time for this BS.
Step 11: Post a cute ad on Craig's List--
"CUTE DOG FOR ADOPTION, HURRY! Adorable 11 month old for adoption. Still puppy-like! Loves attention. Owner must relocate and can not take the dog. Puppy comes with special bed. Good Home only. FREE."
Step 12: Post the ad again. Landlord sent me a letter.
Step 13: Post the ad again. Horrible situation, too much pressure!!!
Step 14: Hooray!!! I didn't have to take my baby to the pound after all. Someone was going to get a dog from the animal shelter but saw my free ad first. Everything is OK now!
....meanwhile at the shelter, a needle is pushed into the leg of another sweet, trusting young dog surrendered by his owner. Someone had called about him yesterday but never came, and now his time is up. The plunger moves forward. He sighs deeply and quietly dies, and his warm body is added to the overflowing barrels of other forgotten dogs, bought and discarded by people who didn't keep them.
What Happened When I got a PUPPY off Craig's List
Step 1: Look at all those CUTE PUPPIES on Craig's List!! I can't resist, I really want a puppy!!
Step 2: I'm sure the landlord won't care (I'll explain it to him). Plus all my friends want me to get a CUTE PUPPY!! :^) :^) :^)
Step 3: Lots of breeders on Craig's List... Here's one! Look how CUTE!!! It's not expensive and I can take it home today! How exciting!!
Step 4: So cute! He has the cutest markings! I love him! My friends all love him. Wish I didn't have to clean up all the poop and pee when I get home but it's OK, he's so snuggly and happy to see me.
Step 5: Where did all this energy come from? He's so cute but he wears me out sometimes, LOL!!!! But I still love him.
Step 6: He's been making this really high-pitched YIP YIP YIP YIP out in the yard while I'm at work and some nosy old busybody is complaining. Why won't he shut up?
Step 7: Oh no, I left him in the house so he wouldn't bark and he ripped the curtains and chewed up my best shoes. What's wrong with him? I'd ask the vet but have been postponing his shots and getting him fixed -- kinda broke right now...
Step 8: Bad week. The landlord called to say dogs weren't allowed and wants me to replace the drapes and the screen door and pay a higher deposit. I can't afford that -- my temp job ended last month. What bad luck!!
Step 9: Why won't my friends take my dog for a few months? Thanks a lot. I'll have to look for another place now. Will lose my original deposit too, really sucks. I don't want to give up my puppy but maybe he deserves a better home with someone with more time.
Step 10: Someone said that breeders take back their dogs so I contacted the breeder from Craig's List but they said no. I said they could have him for free but they won't take him. How mean. And the landlord's being a real jerk now. I don't have time for this BS.
Step 11: Post a cute ad on Craig's List--
"CUTE DOG FOR ADOPTION, HURRY! Adorable 11 month old for adoption. Still puppy-like! Loves attention. Owner must relocate and can not take the dog. Puppy comes with special bed. Good Home only. FREE."
Step 12: Post the ad again. Landlord sent me a letter.
Step 13: Post the ad again. Horrible situation, too much pressure!!!
Step 14: Hooray!!! I didn't have to take my baby to the pound after all. Someone was going to get a dog from the animal shelter but saw my free ad first. Everything is OK now!
....meanwhile at the shelter, a needle is pushed into the leg of another sweet, trusting young dog surrendered by his owner. Someone had called about him yesterday but never came, and now his time is up. The plunger moves forward. He sighs deeply and quietly dies, and his warm body is added to the overflowing barrels of other forgotten dogs, bought and discarded by people who didn't keep them.
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