Tuesday, December 2, 2008

May as well call the collectors ...

The following ad was sent to me by a reader who thought it was somewhat odd. It is a bit OT, but I thought I'd post it anyway since it is an interesting topic that I'd like to comment on. First, here's the ad:


Free Kittens
Price: Free
Location: Red Deer Date Listed: 01-Dec-08
We have three 9 week old kittens to give away, we'll give $20 towards kitty food and litter with each one, kittens are black with white socks and white markings on their faces, they live with 2 adult cats and a dog, love attention and cuddling and most of all playing. 1 male, 2 females. Will Deliver.

Here's the web site address that has this listing. It does list their phone and email.


When I read that ad, the first thing that came to my mind was that these kittens are going to end up in a research facility or, just as bad, in a collector's home. This happens more often than not. You'd be surprised at how often whole litters will be dumped in ditches (kittens more often than puppies, but we see litters of pups too!).

And those are the lucky ones.

The lucky ones are the ones that are found in the ditches or wrapped up in bags dumped in the forest. Why? Because they were the ones that are ultimately going to end up in someones home. They are found by good people who gather them up and take them to a local rescue facility. They aren't the ones that were drowned. They aren't the ones that will go to research or a collector/hoarder.

We see the ads all the time - Spay and Neuter your pets. It's unfortunate that some people don't heed these recommendations.

1 comment:

RedDeerSeeker said...

These people would be better off buying the kitten food, and litter themselves to give with the kittens. I can just picture someone taking all three kittens...and $60.... then dropping the kittens at the closest farmyard.....I hope they get a good home....yikes.