Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year ... Resolutions

Happy New Year everyone. Welcome to 2009. Does anyone have any New Years Resolutions you'd like to share?

The Holiday season was good for me. Horribly busy, but good. Although I may have gained an extra 5 lbs through the last few weeks, I'm pleased to report that not one of my dogs gained that much! They of course had all sorts of treats, but they seem to have burned it off with us home.

My Resolution? Well, like many others out there, I would like to lose that spare tire around my midsection. Just means I'll have to be more creative finding ways to burn off those calories with my dogs! I love to take them out showshoeing. They like to romp around in the deep snow and look for fuzzy animals in the snow (they never find them - I'm sure they sound like a herd of elephants gallavanting through the snow banks!).

Do you have any great ways to get outside and burn calories in the winter time with your dogs? Perhaps the question is ... do you have snow and do you need to make accomodations for that? Please let me know how you keep active in the winter time. I find winter to be more difficult than any other season to get out and about -- especially since we live with so much snow for so many months in the year!!


Dog_geek said...

I wish we had some snow around here - snow hikes are the best for getting a good workout (for both me and the dogs.) Get yourself a good pair of hiking boots, and go!

Lorenza said...

Our winter here is not so bad. Right now we have 66 degrees.
My mom has the same resolution!
I hope you can accomplish yours!
Happy New Year!
Kisses and hugs

Dandy Duke said...

We LOVE snow! Mom and dad dress warmly and if it's below 20 degrees and the sun takes a day off or wind chills are nasty, I, Miss Maggie, will wear a coat on our walkie, but no boots, just a coat!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

RedDeerSeeker said...

Well around here it gets extremely cold for several months, and since one of my little dogs is a chihuaua, we don't get out for walks much. I am sort of a wimp when it comes to cold. I shovel a little path for him to go out in the yard and do his business, and thats it.

One thing I did was buy a recumbant exercise bike, and when I'm really feeling cooped up...I just put on my ipod and ride for as long as I can.

As for my little dogs, I take them to my moms big house with lots of carpet, and they just 'let r rip'. Best wishes for the new year!

DogsDeserveFreedom said...

Thanks for all the ideas! It's not too cold here today, but it can get to -20 often through our winter and even -40 some nasty cold days! Much of our snow melted thanks to a lovely bout of freezing rain yesterday, so we may be able to go with just deep boots and gaiters tonight.


Sully said...

I love to walk the dogs. They love getting out and checking out the neighborhood. My only problem is that there are many people that think it is okay to let their little dogs outside without supervision and they come aggressively after my big dogs and myself. How are you supposed to deal with that? I live in the middle of town.