Monday, January 10, 2011

Pupdates at the Shelter ~ Traveller

Here's my first installment of Pupdates at the Shelter. At this point, I don't really know where this type of post is going to go so we'll just have to see how it changes!

We currently have 4 dogs at the shelter. Traveller, Penny, Ralph and Gracie. The first three arrived on December 23rd ... Gracie arrived on December 31st. I haven't got picures of all the dogs yet but am working on it. Hopefully I'll have some soon for future pupdates.


 This is Traveller the Beagle. He arrived at the shelter December 23rd ... he was one of the very first dogs at the shelter! Traveller is a super friendly little guy who thinks that everyone should love him. He has been recently nutered so he is supposed to be "staying quiet" ... yeah right ... I don't think anyone told him that! He is such a busy guy. While I was at the shelter on Friday, he was climbing the kennel door! Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture ... though from that point onwards I have been carrying my camera with me everywhere!

Traveller knows "sit" but that seems to be about all he knows. He's been learning how to stay "off" but that's a challenge ... he's a tiny dancer you see and loves to dance around upright on his hind legs. Traveller is also in the process of learning how to walk nicely on a leash. If he's not pulling to go left, hes tugging right and this makes for very tired volunteers!

This is such a happy go lucky guy that I wonder if he takes much seriously? He seems to love everyone and to think that EVERYONE should rub his ears. Who wouldn't love a mug like that?

Traveller has had some people come to look at him but he's often so busy a-rwoo-ing up a storm that people think he's too loud. If that doesn't bother them, then they simply have to take him for a walk and have him tow them up the driveway! So far no one has opted to take Traveller home. I'm sure the right person is out there - it's just a matter of finding them. In the meantime, however, the volunteers at the shelter will be given training how to work with the shelter dogs to resolve some bad manners (like walking on a leash).


GoLightly said...

and now I want a beagle. I KneW this would happen!

The girls would love to have a little boy beagle to boss around, but I get the feeling it would be an extremely interesting/exhausting/yeah forget about it kind of thing:)

Can you e-mail me, pleeeeez?

Anonymous said...

Ummmm. Traveler sounds like an ideal dog for me to own. I think that I would also want to visit him a few times and taking a short walk with him just to see!

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Traveller is a cutey! Beagle's can be very challenging. but the rewards are infinite!

Unknown said...

Beagles are my favorite breed. They make great family dogs, do need direction and training to help them overcome the fact at least half their brain is in their nose but they are AWESOME. If I had room, he could come to my sanctuary - we love ARROOOS. Distance is also a factor :). Please do go see him - what a lovely petite Beagle boy.

OldMorgans said...

"half their brain is in their nose."

I love it! So true.

Unknown said...

I am going to love reading your pupdates!