Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Asshat Rant - "Rescue"

I really hate to see this sort of posting that I found on CL. It makes me angry that this sort of thing happens. When I started reading this posting, I was disappointed with the new owner, but after finishing the first paragraph, I started to realize that the issues on this one is the "Rescue" in question.

This owner is trying to get rid of a 6 mo puppy who has gotten too large for the small apartment. Now, I was irritated at reading this, but realized that this was likely not the fault of the adopter. (Yes, they should spend some time training, etc and there are DEFINITELY things they could do to resolve this themselves and keep the dog, but that's not the point of this little ... rant). The adopter was told by the "rescue" that this was a smaller breed dog.

There is a certain amount of responsibility that should have been taken on by the adoptive family - if the dog was obviously not going to fit into their lives in November when they "first saw it" than they should not have brought it home. That being said, ultimately the one who is supposed to be the one with experience in this is the "rescue" and being more experienced in rehoming dogs, the "rescue" should have helped these people through the process.

Here's where I get ticked off ...

The "rescue" in question adopted a dog to them knowing that they were not happy with the size of it. The "rescue" did not bother to ask to meet every member of the family before accepting the adoption application - it was approved before the pup met the author of this CL posting. When contacted by the adopter who wanted to return the pup, the "rescue" stated that the "contract" has expired (now, what kind of rescue contract lasts for only 3 months!??! that's barely long enough for a trial adoption period). Now they will not respond to her.

Why do people run "rescue" operations and then turn around and dump dogs off on people who don't want them??

Anyone who has the least bit of experience rehoming dogs would know that this scenario would not work. From the sounds of it, the whole family didn't even get to meet this dog before the "adoption" took place.

If you can't run a proper "rescue", than you shouldn't be running one at all. Maybe you would do better as a foster home or a dog walker at a local shelter. Sorry to say, but in this case, you (the 'rescue') are the Asshats - not the adopter who got in deeper than they had expected. You are supposed to be there to help them, not to make a quick buck. I wish I knew which "rescue" this was - I would have a fair amount to say to them.

You're NOT saving a dog if you are sending it to a home that doesn't want it or won't want it in a few months. You are only perpetuating the problem! It doesn't matter if you call yourself a "Rescue" or a "Broker" you are still an Asshat.


GoLightly said...

Oh, that's so sad.
Poor puppy. Not his fault he is who he is. Why do people get puppies, if there isn't time to spend??
You're right, the rescue place is the worse AssHat.

My husband's ex had to return a puppy when it grew to 80 lbs.
You CAN tell how big they will grow to be...
(going to hug my dogs)

Anonymous said...

We just got our dog Sugar from the SPCA in Montgomery county. At the time they said they had about 85 dogs. In this poor economy, many people are unable to keep their dogs when they loose their jobs. The people who had Sugar prior to us we were told, were downsized and had to move into and apartment that did not accept pets.

silentsurfur said...

Hi.. thank you for the visit and comment... yeah sure.. I will be looking forward for the link exchange... :)

silentsurfur said...

I did the same... :)

Jan said...

Some rescue organizations make it harder to adopt a dog than a child. Someplace in the middle would be goodl

Unknown said...

Thank you for leaving a comment, would love to exchange links!

Miniature Yorkie said...

sure - I would be happy to trade links!

Andrea said...

Stopped by from a comment on another blog....nice to meet a fellow Ontario resident! :) Great blog...I love the important messages you are bring to light. I will be back to visit often. :)

Lapa37 said...

I bet this happens more often than anyone knows about.That poor dog and it's a shame for the family to have been lied to. I also wanted to thank you for your kind words.

mouse (aka kimy) said...

thanks for visiting and commenting at the mouse.

every dog deserves a loving home...

best to you and your mission and important message(s)!

Eurodog said...

Yes I will create a link to your blog which I find interesting too. Have problems with blogrolling but will do it as soon as possible.
I couldn't agree with you more on this adoption/rehoming issue. I have so many stories to tell about this. People are so stupid. Poor dogs...

Anonymous said...

She is asking 350.00? and says the rescue charged her a lot more then that. Well that isn't a rescue, and that wasn't an "adoption" it was selling and buying of a dog.. Which is fine, but not when they claim to be a rescue..

Her ad was flagged and removed anyhow because CL flaggers felt she was asking to much. I don't even bother with CL anymore. Especially here in Washington state... crazy people

Sully said...

I think the 350 was also to cover pet deposit and such also...not just for the adoption fee.