Thursday, September 3, 2009

When You Get a Dog ...

Perusing through CL always gives me ideas (some aren't very nice) and makes me want to bang my head on the closest hard surface in frustration. I see dog owners getting rid of their dogs after they tire of them (or are unable to train them) all the time. Unlike most people out there, I foster some of them and you know what?

I watch those dogs go through the saddest time of their life and the deepest depression you could ever imagine when they come to the realization that their loved ones ... their family ... are not coming to rescue them or take them home.

Here are a few things to remember the next time you decide to get a dog ...

Dogs bark. They bark more when they're bored or scared or lonesome. Sometimes they bark aggressively at people, animals or objects. You need to accept that this is part of having a dog and it is your job as the owner to teach them when it is and is not appropriate to bark.

Dogs pee and poop. Get used to it because they aren't going to stop doing this unless you stop feeding them (please don't stop to try this out if you already have a dog). The bright side? You can teach them the advantages to doing their "business" outside where and when you would like, but it takes a bit of effort on your part.

Dogs need exercise. This includes (but is not limited to) a walk off the property for an hour and a half a day... regardless of weather ... this is minimum. Have I recently told you that "A Tired Dog Is A Good Dog"? This is my mantra ... I live by it.

Dogs need training. This includes obedience classes and a bit of effort on your part. You will find that if you follow through with the training, you will be pleased with its results. Obedience classes will help teach you the basics. Even people who have had dogs "all their life" should consider taking their dog to a class - it's a good experience for your dog and good brush up for you if nothing else. The classes aren't for you - they are for your dog. You may "know it all" but your dog doesn't.

Dogs need socialization and training in different locations so they are used to people, kids, and other things like dogs, bikes, shopping carts etc. Again, this is a basic requirement to having a dog. It's not that hard! Take them for a walk through a park, a parking lot and a shopping centre - hey, it could be part of your 1.5 hour walk in the evening with your dog!

Dogs have medical emergencies. Normally this occurs when your vet is closed (though the emergency clinic up the road is quite happy to take your money). You should ALWAYS have a bit of money stashed away for emergencies.

Dogs are not solitary animals. (Frogs are.) If you want an animal you don't have to spend time with, don't get a dog. Plain and simple. Social interaction is one of the basic needs of a dog and must be fulfilled for the dog to be healthy and happy. If you don't, you WILL have behavioural problems.

When you buy a puppy from Petland, you are not "rescuing" it. You are lining the pockets of the Puppy Mills and encouraging them to continue. Congratulations, you have just supported Puppy Mills.

Don't buy from a Back Yard Breeder. It is a great way to get a dog that is not healthy (disease, genetics, temperament or all of these) and keeps people breeding dogs for money in business. So if you're looking for a sickly dog with weird temperament issues and a gimp, then you would have gone to the right place.

Dogs are not supposed to be aggressive/protective with their food, toys or any other thing. This is not something that you should encourage. Someone will get hurt. It may not be today and it may not be tomorrow, but it will happen.

People who ignore these basic facts are dooming their dog to the eventuality of abandonment. Don't let it happen to your dog.
If you have family or friends that are interested in getting a dog, it is your responsibility to ensure they understand what they are getting into.


Viatecio said...

I'd like to see some derivative of this post included with every dog adopted out, especially with first-time owners. Of course, that's the best anyone can do, is give the person's up to them as to if they even read it or not. I'd personally put a few additions in it if I were the one handing it out, but overall, this is exactly what people need to know when they bring home a dog/puppy.

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

Amen! I get so frustrated whenever I peek at Craigslist, what's wrong with some people?

GoLightly said...


The main reason I can't have a horse. I have dogs.

Either/or, for me.

the cat/dog log said...

I also find it frustrating that people can so easily give up on a pet, and it's usually their own short comings that have caused the problem. My Rosie was one of those forgotten and uncared-for dogs, and she still suffers repercussions from her early years,but we are dealing with her problems and she has made great progress with patience and love.
Dog ownership is a responsibility that shouldn't be taken lightly, but the rewards are so far above any amount of work involved. A loving lick and a wagging tail makes it all worthwhile. Wonderful post.

Robin said...

I love your blog. You are truly making a difference in the world. I am a pet lover and wanted to thank you.

DogsDeserveFreedom said...

Viatecio ...

I spend the extra time and educate the people who adopt the dogs I foster. I ensure they have some reading material about the breed they are adopting and they know what they are getting into. I always encourage them to give me a call if they have questions or problems.

You know what? The scary part about ALL THAT is ... I'm the bad guy for doing this!! The rescues consider this "pestering"! What?! Why shouldn't I give them a call a week after they take the dog I fostered to ensure they are ok?

Storm ...

I don't know. I've asked that question many times.

GoLightly ...

That's the same conclusion I came to! Ha! That's funny. We were going to get horses, but got busy with dogs and decided we didn't have time to do both properly.

The Cat/Dog Log ...

Glad you kept working with Rosie and didn't give up on her. People nowadays are messed up (hope I don't get sued for that comment!)

Robin ...

Thanks. Hope you come back often.